Lane Reservations
When ordering lanes, you pay by the hour
When reserving lanes in advance, you don't need to worry about it not beeing any lanes available. You decide yourself when yopu want to play, and for how long. Just give us a call!
If you need more than one lane, we recommend to order in advance, so that you get your lanes next to each other.
When ordering a lane, you pay by the hour. The prices range between 550,- and 670,- per lane per hour (see table above). Shoes come in addition, 35,- per person.
We want to emphasize that when ordering, you order time, and not games. However, we can help with the calculation of time, based on how much you want to play.
We estimate that it takes about 10 min for one person to play one game. This means that if there is 6 players on one lane, you will most likely get to play one game each.
We recommend however to be slightly fewer than 6 players on one lane. This is because the more players you are, the more time it will be between each throw.
We recommend to be 4 players on one lane for one and a half hour.
Vi regner med at det tar ca. 10 min for en person å spille 1 spill. Dette betyr at om man er 6 på en bane vil man mest sannsynligvis rekke å spille 1 spill hver.
Vi anbefaler derimot å være litt færre en 6 spillere på en bane, da det kan bli noe lang tid mellom hvert gang man kaster. For mer fart i spillet anbefaler vi å være 4 personer på 1 bane i halvannen time. Da vil man fint rekke 2 spill per person!
We recommend that you arrive in good time before your lanereservation (10 min) to find bowlingshoes, and to add the names. In this way you avoid using the reserved time on this, and rather spend it having fun bowling!
we have the same entrance as Peppes Pizza
Cansellations of lanes is 2 days in advance
Maximum 6 players per lane
If you wish to reserve lanes
Answer: We get it. Party guests don't always RSVP right at once. And that's totally okay—just give us your best estimate for now. You'll be able to lower your headcount up to 5 days prior to your event—and don't forget, you can add to your headcount up until the day of your reservation! (Additions are based on lane availability)
If you wish to reserve court with us, or you have questions, just call! You may reach us at tel: 22444561